Friday, March 20, 2009

The God Within

God is never an object of isolation but the very core of your being.
The difference between Self and God is just like the wave and the ocean.
Can there be a wave without the ocean? Who are you? Do you know about yourself? Find out about yourself first. If you think you are just the body, that is not possible because the body has its limitations. If you think that you are the mind then that is also not possible because the mind too has its limitations. It is just another layer of our existence. If you know that you are Silence or that you are Space, then it is possible God is also space. Just like your body is made up of proteins, amino acids and carbohydrates, your mind and soul are made up of love.
You are made up of love. Everyone is full of love and love is God. So you are made up of God! Every little atom of your body is made up of love and that is what is God. Do not think God is sitting somewhere in heaven. God is here and now!
God is not somebody with a big white beard, sitting in heaven. God is love. He is space. When you are meditating, when you feel at peace, at home with everyone, you are in touch with the Divine force. Can you live without love?
In the Upanishads, it is said kham kham brahma - the space is God, in which every thing is and into which everything dissolves.
Just as love is felt in the heart, so is God's presence felt. God is never an object of isolation. God is the sum totality. When you dissolve, God remains. When you are there, there is no God. Either you can be there, or God can be there, not both. So when you meditate, you become one with God. You are God. That is why it is said, Tat tvam asi, meaning, 'Thou art that.' God is to be felt in the depth of your heart. God can neither be perceived through your senses nor through the mind.
Life, when it is lived in its totality, is an end in itself and a beginning in itself. Love, joy, beauty, all that is precious and valuable in life, are really beyond value, beyond meaning, beyond purpose.

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